C++ Reference¶
namespace frc¶
static inline int setLicense(std::string appKey, std::string appSecret, std::string authCode)¶
Set the license authentication information.
static inline int initialize(std::string workDir = std::string())¶
Initialize the library.
static inline void terminate()¶
Stop using the library.
static inline int getVersion(frc_version_t *version)¶
Get the version numbers of the SDK.
class Builder¶
- #include <frc/frc.hpp>
Wrapper for frc_builder_t
Wraps a handle for a frc builder.
Public Functions
inline int Create(frc_calibration_t calibration)¶
Create a frc builder.
inline void Destroy()¶
Destroys a frc builder.
inline int Process(frc_build_result_t *buildresult)¶
Generate face model from keyframes.
inline frc_builder_t GetHandle() const¶
Returns the underlying frc_builder_t handle
inline bool IsValid()¶
Returns true if the builder is valid, false otherwise
inline int setMultiThread(bool is_multi_thread)¶
Set multi thread while reconstructing, but it will cost more cpu resource
inline int Create(frc_calibration_t calibration)¶
class Capture¶
- #include <frc/frc.hpp>
Wrapper for frc_capture_t
Wraps a handle for a capture. Copying/moving is cheap, copies are shallow.
Public Functions
inline Capture(frc_capture_t handle)¶
Creates a capture from a frc_capture_t Takes ownership of the handle, i.e. assuming that handle has a refcount of 1, you should not call frc_capture_release on the handle after giving it to the capture; the capture will take care of that.
inline Capture &operator=(Capture &&other)¶
Moves another capture into this capture; other is set to invalid
inline int create()¶
Create an empty capture object.
inline frc_capture_t getHandle() const¶
Returns the underlying frc_capture_t handle
Note that this function does not increment the reference count on the frc_capture_t. The caller is responsible for incrementing the reference count on the frc_capture_t if the caller needs the frc_capture_t to outlive this C++ object. Otherwise, the frc_capture_t will be destroyed by this C++ object.
inline bool isValid()¶
Returns true if the capture is valid, false otherwise
inline Capture(frc_capture_t handle)¶
class Frame¶
- #include <frc/frc.hpp>
Wrapper for frc_frame_t
Wraps a handle for a frc frame. Copying/moving is cheap, copies are shallow.
Public Functions
inline Frame(frc_frame_t handle)¶
Creates a frc frame from a frc_frame_t. Takes ownership of the handle, i.e. assuming that handle has a refcount of 1, you should not call frc_frame_release on the handle after giving it to the frame; the frame class will take care of that.
inline Frame &operator=(Frame &&other)¶
Moves another frame into this frame; other is set to invalid
inline int create()¶
Create an empty frame object.
inline frc_keyframe_t getKeyFrame()¶
Get keyframe data generated by the SDK.
inline void setKeyFrame(frc_keyframe_t *keyframe)¶
Set or add a keyframe data to the frame.
inline frc_frame_t getHandle() const¶
Returns the underlying frc_frame_t handle
Note that this function does not increment the reference count on the frc_frame_t. The caller is responsible for incrementing the reference count on the frc_frame_t if the caller needs the frc_frame_t to outlive this C++ object. Otherwise, the frc_frame_t will be destroyed by this C++ object.
inline bool isValid()¶
Returns true if the frame is valid, false otherwise
inline Frame(frc_frame_t handle)¶
class Image¶
- #include <frc/frc.hpp>
Wrapper for frc_image_t
Wraps a handle for an image. Copying/moving is cheap, copies are shallow.
Public Functions
inline Image(frc_image_t handle)¶
Creates an image from a frc_image_t. Takes ownership of the handle, i.e. assuming that handle has a refcount of 1, you should not call frc_image_release on the handle after giving it to the image; the image will take care of that.
inline Image &operator=(Image &&other)¶
Moves another image into this image; other is set to invalid
inline int create(frc_image_format_t format, int width_pixels, int height_pixels, int stride_bytes, const uint8_t *data)¶
Create an image from a pre-allocated buffer
inline uint8_t *getBuffer()¶
Get the image buffer
inline const uint8_t *getBuffer() const¶
Get the image buffer
inline size_t getSize() const¶
Get the image buffer size in bytes
inline frc_image_format_t getFormat() const¶
Get the image format of the image
inline int getWidth() const¶
Get the image width in pixels
inline int getHeight() const¶
Get the image height in pixels
inline int getStride() const¶
Get the image stride in bytes
inline frc_image_t getHandle() const¶
Returns the underlying frc_image_t handle
Note that this function does not increment the reference count on the frc_image_t. The caller is responsible for incrementing the reference count on the frc_image_t if the caller needs the frc_image_t to outlive this C++ object. Otherwise, the frc_image_t will be destroyed by this C++ object.
inline bool isValid()¶
Returns true if the image is valid, false otherwise
inline Image(frc_image_t handle)¶
class Scanner¶
- #include <frc/frc.hpp>
Wrapper for frc_scanner_t
Wraps a handle for a frc scanner.
Public Functions
inline int create(frc_scanner_configuration_t config, frc_calibration_t calibration)¶
Create a frc scanner.
inline void destroy()¶
Destroys a frc scanner.
inline Frame process(Capture capture, frc_scan_flag_t scan_flag)¶
Generate face frame from capture.
inline frc_scanner_t getHandle() const¶
Returns the underlying frc_scanner_t handle
inline bool isValid()¶
Returns true if the scanner is valid, false otherwise
inline int create(frc_scanner_configuration_t config, frc_calibration_t calibration)¶
static inline int setLicense(std::string appKey, std::string appSecret, std::string authCode)¶